
Datum: Mi., 24. Februar 2016
Uhrzeit: 14:00 Uhr

NUI Galway/Irland, English and German Department

Drama, Theatre and Performance Speaker Series: Reinhard Kuhnert, Actor and Writer

Theatre in Germany before and after Reunification:

Experiences of a Playwright working in two political systems

Born in East-Berlin, Reinhard Kuhnert studied Creative Writing and Drama in Leipzig. Since 1967 he workied as a playwright, actor and director at theatres in East-Germany. In 1983 he requested permission to leave East-Germany, as all his plays, radio plays, television plays, songs and lyrics were banned from public performances. In 1985 he emigrated to West-Germany and continued to work with theatre companies in Germany, Ireland and other countries. From 1994 – 2007 he had a second domicile in Galway where he was guest lecturer at NUI Galway for a while. He was very successful as a narrator for audiobooks and in dubbing, lending his voice to actors such as Kevin Spacey, Pierce Brosnan and James Woods. In 2013 he published the novel Abgang ist allerwärts, a book about everyday life in the 1980s in a little village in the GDR.“ (Quelle: mooreinstitute.ie)

Date: February 24, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm
Venue: The Bridge, Room 1001 First Floor, Hardiman Research Building
National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, Irland

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